Thursday, November 13, 2008

A critical 6 months for Sony.

Continuing on my previous post.

The next few months, util four weeks of Killzone 2's launch, it is necessary for Sony to reach critical mass. Why is this so important ???

It has be touted as the year of the PS3 but there are several factor's that might actually extend the lead for the 360.( Not the least of which being the price and the looks).

Microsoft has always had really strong holiday sales since launch. It has chosen to invest in more MMO and RPG's than Sony currently. Fable 2 and Last Remnant to name a few. Gears of war is also a huge factor as it has been the poster child for 360 after Halo series.

Sony on the other hand has Little Big Planet and Resistance 2 followed by Motor Storm and .....
Not to forget metal gear solid 4. Truth be told apart from resistance 2 in the action genre nothing else is stellar. It is the genre that drives the hardcore gamers.

The Looks......
If you look at the sales number for the 360 and PS3. The cuter and less glossy 360 can be identified by moms who are planning to buy a console for their kids. This is a majority of the buyers for the holiday season. Not to mention that price also plays a factor in the scenario.

The PS3 with its more sexy appeal and looks wouldnt neccessarily be something that can be identified by moms as something appropriate to buy for kids. The Ps3 looks more or a menacing machine than the 360.

No matter how many cute pictures of the sackboy you put up for marketing the sheer looks of the PS3 bypass the cuteness of Sackboy for a few buyers.

My call for the holiday season.

Xbox will lead the PS3 in sales by about 340 thousand starting october.

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