Friday, June 12, 2009

Setup Cake PHP ... No Colors or images !!!

It was invetiable that I was going to post something technical on my blog.

I had to setup Cake PHP on my box and although I though I had it setup correctly and the start page showed no errors. Quickly realized that something was wrong.

After realizing that the images and CSS were missing i went on a trail to understand the framework. (Which I should have even before I installed it). Anyways after a long while figured out where the CSS was found a .htaccess file and then the bulb lit that the rewrite module was not correctly enable in LAMP/WAMP/Apache.

I enabled the rewrite module and then simply refreshed the page and then it rendered everything correctly.

This is something that is not clearly mentioned in the documentation for Cake and many developers have faced an issue with this.

I tried google for this but could find the solution.
"No Colors or images on Cake PHP"
and several others but could find none.

I hope to be posting PHP stuff on this blog. Let me know if you guys want something specific to be covered.

An ebook reader that works

This week Amazon announced that the Kindle DX sports a near 10 inch screen.

Me personally have a Sony PRS 505.

I am a geeky person and more often than not I read a lot of tech magazines compared to either a news paper or novels and the like.

PRS has been a pain in this regard the small screen and the click buttons that have been painful to use to zoom and move to the area needed. In this regard the DX scores. I have been able to play with one of these and reading magazines on this has been finally feasible.

It is a little heavy and you can expect your arms to pain while holding it. The easiest mode was to rest it on my lap or table to read. I did have trouble reading in in bed but would still prefer it to anyother reader I have tried before.

The price is around 500$ but the only other alternative is a 13 inch tablet and that is really costly. It seems like a value compared to the amount of money I would save reading PDF's (read as downloaded magazines).

All in all the Kindle DX is on the top of my wish.

Now only if someone would buy me one. ;-)